ARCA’s addiction recovery program is based on person-centered philosophy and current best practice evidenced based approaches. The ARCA program consists of a series of therapeutic activities which include psycho-educational groups on topics appropriate to personal recovery, group and individual therapy, and opportunities for clients and families to participate in a multi-family group experience. Clients are encouraged to experience and participate in 12-step self-help groups as well as other natural support groups. Priority consideration is given to pregnant women in their first trimester.
ARCA’s staff is comprised of physicians, family nurse practitioners, nurses and nursing assistants who provide skilled 24-hour care, at admission, client detoxification needs are assessed and monitored to ensure a safe withdrawal process. Detox is an individualized process, but on average takes about 3-5 days. ARCA’s services include medication management and administration, 24-hour observation, medical history, physicals and aftercare referrals following discharge.
Detoxification is available from withdrawal from:
- Alcohol
- Benzodiazepines and other sedatives
- Heroin, Oxycodone (Oxy) and other opioids –Special consideration is given to IV drug users.
Treatment Services
ARCA provides comprehensive assessment of individual needs and treatment planning through a multi-disciplinary team approach. The treatment program is a variable length program starting at 14 days.
Services offered in the residential treatment program at ARCA include:
- Introduction and application of the Twelve-Step Philosophy and recovery support groups.
- Individual therapy, psycho-education and psychotherapeutic classes to increase knowledge
of substance abuse and medications. - Group therapy
ARCA’s care coordinators assist clients with placement and follow up appointments prior to discharge. Staff also can facilitate referrals to Veterans’ Administration programs.
When recovering clients walk out the doors of ARCA, we don’t simply say, “good bye and good luck.” Quite the opposite is true. ARCA’s time-proven approach calls for ongoing recovery programs, including referral and continuing opportunities for family therapy following clients’ completion of treatment stay.